Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Master Flutter ListView with ShrinkWrap: Step-by-Step Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction to Flutter ListView and ShrinkWrap

Utilizing the ListView widget, which is useful for Flutter developers, allows for the easy addition of aligned lists to the UI. Specifically, the ShrinkWrap property enables automatic adjustment of the height and width of the ListView.

1.1 Basic structure of ListView

ListView is a widget often used when creating scrollable lists. To use ListView in Flutter, you can write code like this:

  itemCount: data_count,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    return item_widget(index);

1.2 What is the ShrinkWrap property?

By default, a ListView takes up the entire screen, making it difficult to place other elements below it. However, using the ShrinkWrap property allows the ListView's size to be automatically adjusted to fit the items currently displayed. This results in the characteristic of scrolling along with other elements.

  itemCount: data_count,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    return item_widget(index);
  shrinkWrap: true,

Chapter 2: ListView Examples Applying the ShrinkWrap Property

In this chapter, we will examine real-world examples of applying the ShrinkWrap property to Flutter ListView, comparing it between short and long lists.

2.1 Example with Short List and ShrinkWrap Applied

First, let's consider an example with 3 short list items when applying the ShrinkWrap property:

  itemCount: 3,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    return ListTile(
      title: Text('Item ${index + 1}'),
  shrinkWrap: true,

As you can see in this example, using ShrinkWrap adjusts the height of the list view to match the 3 items, allowing it to be used within the screen with other elements.

2.2 Example with Long List and ShrinkWrap Applied

Now, let's look at an example with 20 list items and the ShrinkWrap property applied:

  itemCount: 20,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    return ListTile(
      title: Text('Item ${index + 1}'),
  shrinkWrap: true,

In this case as well, using the ShrinkWrap property allows you to view the entire page in which it scrolls along with the 20 items.

By utilizing the ShrinkWrap property, you can achieve optimized usage in both short and long lists based on your situation.

Chapter 3: Performance Issues with ShrinkWrap and Solutions

While the ShrinkWrap property provides convenient functionality, it can cause performance degradation when used with long lists. In this chapter, we will examine the causes of performance degradation with ShrinkWrap and potential solutions.

3.1 Cause of performance degradation with ShrinkWrap

The ShrinkWrap property automatically adjusts the size of the ListView to fit the items currently displayed. However, this requires processing and rendering all items, which can lead to performance degradation.

When dealing with long lists, ListView.builder utilizes lazy rendering, eliminating the need for pre-rendering all items. However, applying ShrinkWrap in long lists may cause unnecessary resource waste and performance degradation.

3.2 Solutions to performance degradation

To address the performance issues with ShrinkWrap, you can use the following methods:

  1. Use CustomScrollView instead of ListView: To achieve the scrolling effect with other widgets, you can use the SliverList widget wrapped in a CustomScrollView.
  2. Minimize the use of ShrinkWrap when dealing with long lists: Unless necessary, minimize the use of ShrinkWrap in long lists to improve performance.

While the ShrinkWrap property offers convenient features, it may cause performance issues, so it is crucial to choose an optimized method depending on the situation before using it.

Chapter 4: Combining Multiple ListViews Using ShrinkWrap

With the ShrinkWrap property, you can combine multiple ListViews in a single page. In this chapter, we will look at an example of combining two ListViews.

4.1 Combining Two ListViews

Use the following code to combine two ListViews into one scrollable ListView:

  children: [
      itemCount: 3,
      itemBuilder: (context, index) {
        return ListTile(
          title: Text('Group 1: Item ${index + 1}'),
      shrinkWrap: true,
      physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
      itemCount: 5,
      itemBuilder: (context, index) {
        return ListTile(
          title: Text('Group 2: Item ${index + 1}'),
      shrinkWrap: true,
      physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),

In this example code of combining two ListViews using ShrinkWrap, each ListView has multiple items that belong to their respective groups.

In this case, using ShrinkWrap allows for two separate scrollable ListViews to be displayed as a single ListView that scrolls on a single page. By setting the `NeverScrollableScrollPhysics()` physics property for each ListView, inner scroll is disabled, and only the external scroll of the combined ListView works.

Using ShrinkWrap this way enables you to easily integrate various ListViews and display desired elements on the screen. However, it's essential to consider performance issues and choose appropriate methods based on the situation.

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