Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Guide to Using async, isolate, and stream in Flutter

Introduction to Flutter, async, isolate, and stream

Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework developed by Google. With this framework, you can develop iOS and Android apps with a single codebase.

In Flutter, asynchronous programming is handled using three important concepts: async, isolate, and stream. These three concepts play a crucial role in improving the performance of Flutter apps and enhancing the user experience.

async is a keyword in the Dart language used to declare asynchronous functions. Using this keyword allows you to pause the execution of a function, wait for it to complete, and then resume execution.

isolate is part of the concurrency model provided by the Dart language. Each isolate has its own memory heap and does not share state with other isolates. This enables isolates to perform parallel processing.

stream is a sequence in the Dart language used to deliver multiple events over time. Through this, Flutter apps can handle asynchronous events such as user input, file I/O, and network connections.

In the next section, we will take a closer look at how async is utilized in Flutter.

Utilizing async in Flutter

In Flutter, using the async keyword allows you to easily write asynchronous functions. The async keyword is used to declare that a function should operate asynchronously. This allows the execution of a function to be paused, waiting for it to complete, and then resuming execution.

For example, let's assume you are writing a function to fetch data from the network. Since this function needs to wait for the network connection, it must operate asynchronously. In this case, you can declare the function using the async keyword.

Here is an example code using the async keyword:

Future<String> fetchData() async {
  await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
  return 'Hello, World!';

In the above code, the fetchData function returns a Future. This means that the function will wait until it completes and then return a String value. The async keyword forces the function to return a Future.

Additionally, inside the function, the await keyword is used to wait for the Future.delayed function. This pauses the execution of the function, waits for the Future.delayed function to complete, and then resumes execution.

In this way, using the async keyword in Flutter allows you to easily handle asynchronous tasks. In the next section, we will look at how to utilize isolate in Flutter.

Utilizing isolate in Flutter

In Flutter, isolate is a powerful tool used to handle concurrency. Isolates provided by the Dart language each have their own independent memory heap and do not share state with other isolates. This enables isolates to perform parallel processing.

For example, let's assume you are writing a function that processes a CPU-intensive task. If this function is executed on the main thread, it may degrade the performance of the app, so it should be executed on a separate thread. In this case, you can use an isolate to execute the function on a separate thread.

Here is an example code using isolate:

import 'dart:isolate';

void longRunningTask(SendPort sendPort) {
  // Perform a long running task.

void main() {
  ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
  Isolate.spawn(longRunningTask, receivePort.sendPort);

In the above code, the longRunningTask function is executed in a separate isolate. This function takes a SendPort as an argument, allowing it to communicate with the main isolate.

In the main function, a ReceivePort is created, which is used to spawn a new isolate. This isolate executes the longRunningTask function and communicates with the main isolate through receivePort.sendPort.

In this way, using isolate in Flutter allows you to effectively perform parallel processing. In the next section, we will look at how to utilize stream in Flutter.

Utilizing stream in Flutter

In Flutter, stream is a sequence in the Dart language used to deliver multiple events over time. Through this, Flutter apps can handle asynchronous events such as user input, file I/O, and network connections.

For example, let's assume you are writing a function to handle user input. Since this function needs to wait for user input, it must operate asynchronously. In this case, you can use a stream to handle user input.

Here is an example code using stream:

StreamController<String> inputController = StreamController<String>();

void handleUserInput(String input) {

void main() { {
    print('User input: $input');

In the above code, the handleUserInput function handles user input. This function uses the add method of the StreamController to add user input to the stream.

In the main function, the stream of the StreamController is used to handle user input. This stream uses the listen method to wait for user input and executes a callback function when input occurs.

In this way, using stream in Flutter allows you to effectively handle asynchronous events. In the next section, we will look at how to utilize async, isolate, and stream through actual examples.

Utilizing async, isolate, and stream through examples

In this section, we will look at how to utilize async, isolate, and stream in Flutter through actual examples.

First, let's look at an example utilizing async. In this example, we will write a fetchData function that returns 'Hello, World!' after waiting for 2 seconds using Future.delayed.

Future<String> fetchData() async {
  await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
  return 'Hello, World!';

Next, let's look at an example utilizing isolate. In this example, we will write a longRunningTask function that is executed in a separate isolate.

import 'dart:isolate';

void longRunningTask(SendPort sendPort) {
  // Perform a long running task.

void main() {
  ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
  Isolate.spawn(longRunningTask, receivePort.sendPort);

Finally, let's look at an example utilizing stream. In this example, we will write a handleUserInput function to handle user input and a main function to receive it.

StreamController<String> inputController = StreamController<String>();

void handleUserInput(String input) {

void main() { {
    print('User input: $input');

This is how you can utilize async, isolate, and stream in Flutter. By understanding and utilizing these concepts, you can improve the performance of Flutter apps and enhance the user experience.

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