Wednesday, July 5, 2023

How to Share WebSocket Connections Between Browser Tabs and Windows

1. Introduction to WebSocket and How to Use It

WebSocket is a protocol that supports real-time bidirectional communication on the web. While WebSocket is an application-layer protocol like HTTP, it operates with lower overhead and maintains a persistent connection. This allows for real-time interactions between clients and servers.

How to Use WebSocket

// Create a WebSocket object on the client-side
const socket = new WebSocket('wss://your-websocket-url');

// When the connection is open, send a message to the server
socket.addEventListener('open', (event) => {
  socket.send('Hello Server!');

// When a message is received from the server, handle it
socket.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  console.log('Message from server: ',;

// When the connection is closed, handle related tasks
socket.addEventListener('close', (event) => {
  console.log('WebSocket closed: ', event);

// When an error occurs, handle it
socket.addEventListener('error', (event) => {
  console.error('WebSocket error: ', event);

The above code demonstrates how to use the WebSocket protocol on the client-side. When creating a WebSocket object, using WSS (wss://your-websocket-url) applies security (SSL/TLS).

It's now time to discuss the overview of connection sharing between browser tabs and windows.

2. Overview of Connection Sharing Between Browser Tabs and Windows

Sharing connections between browser tabs and windows in WebSocket can help optimize resource usage on the client-side. Typically, using independent WebSocket connections for each tab or window can increase the number of connections, putting a strain on the server. Sharing connections can reduce this problem and improve overall performance.

To implement connection sharing between tabs, it is advisable to use SharedWorker. SharedWorker is a worker object shared among multiple tabs and windows within the same domain. By leveraging SharedWorker to manage WebSocket connections, you can maintain a single connection instead of using independent connections for each tab or window.

We will now move on to chapter 3, which explains how to use SharedWorker and apply it to WebSocket connections in detail.

3. Introduction and Utilization of SharedWorker

SharedWorker is a worker that allows sharing JavaScript code executed between the same domain of web pages. As a result, a single SharedWorker instance can be shared across multiple browser tabs and windows. In this chapter, we will introduce SharedWorker and explain how to share WebSocket connections.

Creating and Using a SharedWorker

// main.js: Creating and connecting a SharedWorker in the client-side code
const sharedWorker = new SharedWorker('shared-worker.js');

// Sending a message to the SharedWorker
sharedWorker.port.postMessage('Sample message to SharedWorker');

// Handling messages received from the SharedWorker
sharedWorker.port.onmessage = (event) => {
  console.log('Message received from SharedWorker: ',;

// Starting the connection

On the other hand, shared-worker.js is written as follows:

// shared-worker.js: SharedWorker code managing shared WebSocket connections
let sharedWebSocket;

// Receiving messages from the SharedWorker
self.onconnect = (event) => {
  const port = event.ports[0];

  // Creating a WebSocket connection if it does not exist
  if (!sharedWebSocket) {
    sharedWebSocket = new WebSocket('wss://your-websocket-url');

    sharedWebSocket.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
      console.log('Message from server: ',;

  // Sending messages to the WebSocket
  port.onmessage = (event) => {

  // Starting the connection

In this example code, the client-side code (main.js) and SharedWorker code (shared-worker.js) exchange messages with each other. Furthermore, a shared WebSocket connection is set up in shared-worker.js. By doing so, multiple browser tabs can share the same WebSocket connection.

In the following chapter, we will examine an example of implementing WebSocket connection sharing between browser tabs and windows.

4. Example: Implementing Shared WebSocket Connection between Browser Tabs and Windows

In this chapter, we will examine an example of using SharedWorker to share WebSocket connections between browser tabs and windows.

SharedWorker and Client-side Code

// main.js: Creating and connecting a SharedWorker in the client-side code
const sharedWorker = new SharedWorker('shared-worker.js');

sharedWorker.port.onmessage = (event) => {
  console.log('Message received from SharedWorker: ',;


// shared-worker.js: SharedWorker code managing shared WebSocket connections
let sharedWebSocket;

self.onconnect = (event) => {
  const port = event.ports[0];

  if (!sharedWebSocket) {
    sharedWebSocket = new WebSocket('wss://your-websocket-url');

    sharedWebSocket.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
      port.postMessage('Message from server: ' +;


This example uses SharedWorker to share WebSocket connections between browser tabs and windows. Client-side code (main.js) creates and starts a connection to SharedWorker.

In SharedWorker, shared WebSocket connections are created and managed. Appropriate event listeners are registered to allow messages to be sent where needed. Broadcasting mechanisms are included to enable communication across multiple pages.

Now, we have created a shared WebSocket connection for real-time communication between browser tabs and windows, which can optimize resource and connectivity. In the last chapter, we will briefly look at key considerations and optimization strategies.

5. Key Considerations and Optimization

When using SharedWorker and WebSocket together to share connectivity between browser tabs and windows, there are some key considerations and optimizations to take into account in order to reduce resource usage.


  1. Browser compatibility: SharedWorker is not supported in all web browsers. Please be sure to check compatibility before using it. Note that SharedWorker is not currently supported in Safari and Internet Explorer.

  2. Error handling: Errors that occur internally in SharedWorker must be handled to avoid issues with shared WebSocket connections. Use try-catch statements or equivalent mechanisms to handle these.

  3. Connection management: When a tab or window is closed, the reference to the WebSocket connection must be released. Failing to do so can result in memory leaks and other issues.


  1. Message compression: Compressing messages sent using WebSocket can increase transmission efficiency.

  2. Designing communication protocol: Properly designing shared messages and events can optimize communication between browser tabs and windows.

  3. Connection lifetime management: Manage the lifecycle of shared WebSocket connections to minimize unnecessary connections. It is recommended to set an appropriate connection lifetime.

Now that we have learned about the considerations and optimization methods for sharing WebSocket connections between browser tabs and windows, we can improve the real-time communication performance of web applications.

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