Friday, August 18, 2023

Gradle Configuration Guide for Android Multi-module Projects

1. Android Multi-module Overview

Android multi-module projects refer to the process of developing a single application by dividing it into multiple modules. Each module has its own independent functionality, and these modules are combined to complete the application. This approach enhances code reusability and minimizes intra-module dependencies, allowing for more efficient overall application structure management.

One of the biggest advantages of multi-module projects is the reduction in compile time. Since individual modules can be built independently, only the modified modules need to be recompiled, eliminating the need to rebuild the entire application from scratch.

Gradle configuration plays a crucial role in setting up Android multi-module projects. As the build system for Android projects, Gradle has a significant impact on the management of module dependencies and the reusability of common code. Therefore, familiarizing oneself with Gradle configuration can greatly simplify project setup and maintenance.

In the following sections, we will provide a detailed explanation of the Gradle configuration methods necessary for the successful establishment of Android multi-module projects.

2. Preparations for Gradle Configuration

Before setting up the Gradle configuration for Android multi-module projects, it is necessary to ensure the following preparations are in order:

  1. Project Version Management: Manage the build version, compile SDK version, minimum SDK version, and other such elements consistently across the entire project in each module's build.gradle file to manage the versions of libraries and tools used during the build process. Define this information using ext (Extra Properties) in the project-level build.gradle file, and refer to it in the module-level build.gradle files.
  2. Gradle Plugins: In addition to the default Gradle plugins provided by Android Studio, various other Gradle plugins can be employed to help manage project source code and build settings. Utilizing these plugins can simplify multi-module project management. Apply and use necessary plugins in the project-level build.gradle file.
  3. Inter-module Dependencies: Ensure that resource sharing between modules and the usability of each module's code are supported. Configure other module references through dependency settings in each module-level build.gradle file. In order to implement this, it is important to maintain version consistency for third-party libraries throughout the project, and to avoid duplicate dependencies.

Once the project configuration satisfying these conditions is complete, you are ready to begin setting up the Gradle configuration for Android multi-module projects.

3. Building Multi-module Structure

When setting up an Android multi-module project, you should first construct the basic project structure. This section explains how to build the structure for an Android multi-module project.

  1. Create a new module: In Android Studio, create a new module by following the steps below.
    1. Select File > New > New Module.
    2. Choose the appropriate module type, set required options, and define the name.
    3. Specify the project location to include the created module and click Finish.
    Once the new module is created, it can be linked to the parent module in the project.
  2. Link the module to the parent module: Add the following code in the parent module's build.gradle file. This enables the parent module to reference the created module.
        dependencies {
          implementation project(':MyNewModuleName')
  3. Set inter-module dependencies: In each module's build.gradle file, configure the required libraries and the references to other modules. You can use the following code for dependency settings.
        dependencies {
          implementation project(':AnotherModuleName')
          implementation 'com.some.library:library-name:1.0.0'
  4. Configure AndroidManifest.xml files: Write an AndroidManifest.xml file for each module and specify the permissions, activities, services, etc., according to the module's role and functionality. The content of AndroidManifest.xml may vary between modules depending on their capabilities and functions.

The Android multi-module project structure built using the methods above distributes independent modules based on functionality, which improves extensibility and reusability. With this foundation, the next section will elaborate on managing common code and inter-module dependency management methods.

4. Managing Common Code and Inter-module Dependencies

It is crucial to efficiently manage common code and inter-module dependencies in Android multi-module projects. This section explains methods for managing common code and inter-module dependencies.

  1. Create and configure common module: Create a common module that includes code and resources used universally across all modules. In the common module's build.gradle file, designate the common code as a module using the following:
        apply plugin: ''
    Then, configure the other module's build.gradle files to use the created common module.
        dependencies {
          implementation project(':CommonModuleName')
  2. Managing Inter-module Dependencies: To manage dependencies efficiently, it is best to minimize overlapping libraries between modules. To achieve this, follow these steps in the project-level build.gradle file referenced by all modules:
    1. Define the libraries and their versions used throughout the entire project. Example:
              ext {
                libraryVersion = '1.2.0' // appropriate version name
    2. Configure each module's build.gradle file to reference the libraries defined at the project level. Example:
              dependencies {
                implementation "com.some.library:library-name:$rootProject.libraryVersion"
    A crucial aspect of dependency management is using consistent versions of the same libraries across the entire project. This helps avoid conflicts and simplifies changing and managing required library versions.

By employing the methods described above to effectively manage common code and inter-module dependencies, the maintainability and extensibility of Android multi-module projects will improve. The next section will explore optimizing multi-module projects further.

5. Optimizing Android Multi-module Projects

For successful management and development of Android multi-module projects, it is beneficial to be knowledgeable about optimization methods. This section introduces several ways to optimize Android multi-module projects.

  1. Optimize build variables: Manage the version information of libraries, plugins, and other components used throughout the project in the project-level build.gradle file. Doing so enables easy modification of referenced variable values across all modules and maintains consistent build configurations.
  2. Code refactoring: Continuously refactor to minimize duplicated code and resources. Focus especially on using common modules to eliminate duplicated code and optimize inter-module dependencies.
  3. Reduce the use of generic libraries: Including generic libraries not used across the entire project increases build time. Enhance build management efficiency by selecting libraries that only include necessary functionalities.
  4. Verify and test module development: During module development, ensure each module functions independently and check compatibility with other modules. Address any issues that arise immediately. Perform unit tests and integration tests to improve the stability of the multi-module project.

Refer to and apply the methods described above for optimizing and successfully managing Android multi-module projects. This can help prevent problems during the development and maintenance process, ensuring efficient project configuration.

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