Friday, June 9, 2023

How to Configure Multiple Versions of Java in Visual Studio Code

Setting Up Multiple Versions of Java in Visual Studio Code

To utilize multiple versions of Java in Visual Studio Code, you need to modify the settings.json file. Follow the step-by-step guidelines below to change your settings:

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code: This is the first step to start using Visual Studio Code.
  2. Access Settings Menu: Click on the gear icon on the left sidebar to enter the settings menu. This is a necessary step to access user settings.
  3. Open User Settings: In the left panel, click on the "Command Palette" option and navigate to "Open User Settings (JSON)". This is the procedure to open User Settings.
  4. Add JDK Configurations: Add the following configuration values into your settings.json file:
  "java.configuration.runtimes": [
    	"name": "JavaSE-1.8",      
        "path": "[JDK_1.8_Path]"    
    {   "name": "JavaSE-11",      
    	"path": "[JDK_11_Path]"    

[JDK_1.8_Path] and [JDK_11_Path] represent the paths where JDK 1.8 and JDK 11 are installed, respectively. These paths vary by system, so you need to find and input the actual paths where your JDKs are installed.

Saving Your JDK Settings

Save Changes: Once all settings are completed, save the changes.

Now, you have set up multiple versions of Java for use in Visual Studio Code. Depending on the version of Java you want to use in your project, you can select an appropriate JDK.

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