Thursday, July 13, 2023

How to Add Properties to JSON or Map in JavaScript

Methods to Add Properties to JSON in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are several ways to add properties to JSON or Map objects. This article provides a comprehensive guide on three of these methods: basic property addition, using the Object.assign() method, and the spread operator.

Basic Addition of Properties

In JavaScript, the most straightforward method to add properties to a JSON or Map object is by directly assigning properties to the object. This method is illustrated below:

let obj = {};
obj.propertyName = "value";
obj["propertyName"] = "value";

The second and third lines perform identical tasks. If the property name is a valid JavaScript identifier, you can use the first method. However, if the property name contains characters that are not valid identifiers, you should use the second method, as shown:

let obj = {};

// Valid identifier
obj.color = "red";

// Starts with a number or contains spaces
obj["1st_place"] = "Alice";
obj["Total score"] = 100;

These methods allow you to directly add and set properties to JSON objects. This method is simple, intuitive, and commonly used in JavaScript development.

Adding Properties using Object.assign Method

You can add multiple properties to a JSON or Map object at once using the Object.assign() method in JavaScript. This method is used to merge properties from source objects into a target object. During the merging, properties with the same keys will have their values overwritten.

let targetObj = {
  name: "John Doe",
  age: 30

let sourceObj = {
  city: "Seoul",
  age: 31

Object.assign(targetObj, sourceObj);

In the example above, the Object.assign() method was used to merge properties from the sourceObj into the targetObj. Consequently, the content of targetObj now looks like this:

{ name: "John Doe", age: 31, city: "Seoul" }

It's important to note that while the Object.assign() method returns the target object, it also modifies the original target object. To keep the original object intact, you should create an empty object and merge the properties into it.

let newObj = Object.assign({}, targetObj, sourceObj);

The code above merges the properties of targetObj and sourceObj into an empty object. The resulting object is then assigned to a new object called newObj, ensuring the original objects remain unchanged.

Adding Properties using Spread Operator

You can also add properties to a JSON or Map object using the spread operator (...) in JavaScript. The spread operator is primarily used to spread properties of arrays or objects into a new, single object, merging or copying them. It is especially useful for adding properties to a new object without altering the original object.

let obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 }; let obj2 = { b: 3, c: 4 }; let combinedObj = { ...obj1, ...obj2 };

In the example above, a new object called combinedObj was created by merging the properties of obj1 and obj2 using the spread operator. The resulting object looks like this:

  a: 1,
  b: 3,
  c: 4

The spread operator allows you to effortlessly merge or copy properties of objects into a new object while keeping the original objects intact. This method is concise, intuitive, and simplifies object expansion.


There are various methods to add properties to JSON or Map objects in JavaScript, such as the basic property addition method, the Object.assign() method, and the spread operator method.

The basic method is simple and intuitive, but it only allows adding one property at a time. On the other hand, the Object.assign() method and the spread operator are useful for adding or merging multiple properties simultaneously. To merge properties without modifying the existing objects, you can either pass an empty object to the Object.assign() method or use the spread operator.

By understanding and using the appropriate method according to your project's requirements, you can handle JSON or Map objects more efficiently. Familiarizing yourself with these techniques will be beneficial when working with JavaScript.

For more information on JavaScript, check out this link.

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