Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Android AppBar, Toolbar, ActionBar: The Ultimate Guide for Developers

Chapter 1: What is Android's AppBar?

The AppBar is an important interface element in Android applications. It serves the purpose of providing menus and tools necessary for users to interact with the app. Typically, the AppBar is located at the top of the screen and can include various actions such as a search button and settings menu.

The AppBar is created by extending the <androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar> class. This class is defined in the layout file using the <Toolbar> tag and is used in the activity through the setSupportActionBar() method.

    app:popupTheme="@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Light" />

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Chapter 2: Differences Between Toolbar and ActionBar

In Android development, the Toolbar and ActionBar serve similar purposes but differ in usage and customization capabilities.

The Action Bar was introduced in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) as a UI element to represent the state of the application and perform key actions for the app or specific screens. The ActionBar can include elements such as the app name, navigation menu, and search.

< actionBar = getSupportActionBar();>

On the other hand, the Toolbar was introduced in Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and has been preferred by many developers since then. It is more flexible and easier to customize. The Toolbar inherently has all the features of the ActionBar but offers more freedom in terms of positioning and appearance.

<androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar myToolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
myToolbar.setTitle("My App");

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Chapter 3: Understanding AppBarLayout

AppBarLayout is a frequently used component in Android apps that follow Material Design guidelines. It is a specialized form of Vertical LinearLayout that assists child views (e.g., Toolbar) in interacting with each other while scrolling.

With AppBarLayout, you can implement behaviors such as expanding or collapsing the app bar along with scrolling, which enhances the user experience (UX).


        app:popupTheme="@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Light" />


As seen in the code above, you can place a Toolbar inside AppBarLayout to create a UI that interacts seamlessly.

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Chapter 4: Recommendations for Toolbar and ActionBar

Toolbar and ActionBar are crucial interface elements in Android applications and greatly influence the user experience (UX). Therefore, it's important to use them correctly, and here are some recommendations:

1. Set Appropriate Titles

The titles displayed in the Toolbar or ActionBar should accurately reflect the functionality and content of the current screen. This helps users understand where they are within the app.

2. Include Only Necessary Menus

Including too many menu items can make it difficult for users to find the desired functionality. Therefore, it's advisable to include only the most important or frequently used features in the AppBar and hide the rest in the overflow menu (three-dot button).

3. Maintain Consistent Positioning

The position of the Action Bar or Toolbar should remain consistent throughout the app. This ensures that users experience a predictable UI, enhancing intuitive usability.

4. Adhere to Material Design Guidelines

The Material Design guidelines provide excellent recommendations for AppBar design and interaction, among other aspects. Adhering to these guidelines ensures a high-quality UX.

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