Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Fixing 'Method Not Defined' Error in Flutter/Dart Extensions: Complete Guide

Useful Feature of Dart 2.7, Extension

Starting from Dart version 2.7, a useful feature called extension has been added.

Although Dart is already updated to version 2.16, the extension feature is not yet familiar and often not used. 

Problems Occurring When Using Extensions and Their Solutions

Sometimes when you use an extension or try to use a well-made extension, you encounter a problem that it cannot be used with an error message saying "The method '_' isn't defined for the type '__'".

The cause of this problem is that the IDE does not automatically import the file location where the extension exists.

If you declare an extension within the same file, there will be no problem, but if you manage extensions at a specific location, you must explicitly write [import 'location where extension is declared'] on top of the working file.

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