Monday, March 25, 2024

Efficient Use of Screen Command and Shortcuts in macOS

What is the screen command?

Screen is an extremely powerful tool that can be used on Linux and macOS systems. It is also known as a "terminal multiplexer" as it allows users to open multiple terminal sessions simultaneously, switch between them, detach and reattach sessions.

With the screen command, you can keep processes running even after a network disconnection. Additionally, if you're working remotely and your connection drops, you can reconnect and resume your work from where you left off.

These capabilities are particularly useful for tasks that need to run for a long time, such as large database operations or system updates that take an extended period.

The screen command provides various options that help users manage their terminal sessions more effectively. For instance, users can create, detach, reattach, switch between, and terminate sessions.

Moreover, the screen command offers the ability to create and manage multiple "windows." Each window is an independent terminal session, allowing users to run and manage multiple processes simultaneously.

These features are invaluable when dealing with complex tasks or when the need arises to handle multiple tasks concurrently.

Using the screen command on macOS

To use the screen command on macOS, you first need to open a terminal. Once the terminal is open, you can start a new screen session by typing the screen command.

To start a screen session, enter:


This will open a new terminal window where you can work independently.

To exit a screen session, you can type 'exit' within the session, or press 'Ctrl-a' followed by 'k' and then 'y' to forcefully terminate the session.

To detach a screen session, press 'Ctrl-a' followed by 'd'. This will temporarily detach the current screen session and return you to the original terminal window.

To reattach a detached screen session, type 'screen -r'. This command will reattach the most recently detached screen session.

If you have multiple screen sessions running simultaneously, you can use the 'screen -ls' command to list all active screen sessions. Then, you can reattach a specific session by typing 'screen -r [session-number]'.

These capabilities are invaluable when you need to handle multiple tasks concurrently or manage long-running processes.

Useful screen command shortcuts

The screen command provides various shortcuts to help users manage their terminal sessions more efficiently. Here are some of the main shortcuts you can use with the screen command:

Ctrl-a c : Create a new window
Ctrl-a n : Switch to the next window
Ctrl-a p : Switch to the previous window
Ctrl-a [ : Enter scroll back mode
Ctrl-a ] : Exit scroll back mode
Ctrl-a d : Detach the screen session

These shortcuts are invaluable when handling multiple tasks concurrently or managing long-running processes.

Improving efficiency with shortcuts

Using the screen command and its shortcuts can significantly improve your efficiency. With shortcuts, you can manage your terminal sessions quickly and efficiently using just your keyboard.

For example, you can quickly create a new window with 'Ctrl-a c', or swiftly switch between windows using 'Ctrl-a n' and 'Ctrl-a p'. Additionally, you can detach a screen session instantly with 'Ctrl-a d' and reattach it with 'screen -r'.

These shortcuts are incredibly useful when you need to handle multiple tasks concurrently or manage long-running processes. By mastering these shortcuts, you can significantly boost your efficiency.


The screen command and its shortcuts can help you work more efficiently on macOS. These tools are invaluable when handling multiple tasks concurrently or managing long-running processes.

Therefore, by mastering these tools, you can greatly improve your efficiency. Leverage this knowledge to make your work more effective and productive.

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