Thursday, July 20, 2023

How to Host a Static Website on AWS S3

Understanding AWS S3 and Static Web Hosting: A Comprehensive Guide

1.1 What is AWS S3?

Amazon Simple Storage Service, or AWS S3, is a highly secure and scalable storage service designed for internet use. It stores data in units known as 'buckets'.

1.2 The Basics of Static Web Hosting

Static web hosting involves the creation of a website using unchanging HTML, CSS, JavaScript files, and other resources. This method is ideal for hosting web pages that do not require dynamic functionality or server-side programming.

1.3 How to Host a Static Website on AWS S3

In order to host a static website using AWS S3, a bucket needs to be created, website files uploaded to that bucket, and static website hosting enabled.

Step by Step Guide to Creating an AWS S3 Bucket and Uploading Website Files

2.1 Creating and Logging in to Your AWS Account

To utilize AWS S3, it is necessary to first create and log in to an AWS account. If you do not yet have an account, sign up on the official AWS website.

2.2 Accessing S3 through the AWS Management Console

After logging in to the AWS Management Console, locate and click on 'S3' within the 'Services' menu.

2.3 The Process of Creating a Bucket

  1. Click on the 'Create bucket' button located on the S3 dashboard.
  2. Choose a unique bucket name and region. Remember, the bucket name must be unique worldwide.
  3. Configure any additional options as necessary, then click 'Create bucket' to finalize your new bucket.

2.4 Uploading Your Website Files

  1. Select the bucket you just created and click the 'Upload' button.
  2. Add all the files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) necessary for your static website.
  3. Upon completion of the upload, it is necessary to allow public access to all files. Configure this setting for each file as follows:
    1. Select the file and click 'Change permissions' within the 'Actions' menu.
    2. Within the 'Modify object ACL' section, provide 'Read' permission to 'Everyone' and save your changes.

Guide to Enabling Static Website Hosting on AWS S3

3.1 Modifying Your Bucket Properties

To enable static web hosting, follow these steps:

  1. Select the bucket you have created.
  2. Click the 'Properties' tab located in the right panel.
  3. Locate and click on the 'Static website hosting' card.

3.2 How to Enable Static Website Hosting

Configure the options within the static website hosting card as follows:

  1. Select the option 'Use this bucket to host a website.'
  2. Input the default HTML filename for the index document. Typically, 'index.html' is used.
  3. Set up error documents and redirect rules as necessary.
  4. Click the 'Save changes' button to enable static web hosting.

3.3 Checking Your Website Endpoint

Once static web hosting is enabled, a website endpoint (URL) will be provided. This URL can be used to access your website.

To check the endpoint URL, follow these steps:

  1. Find the endpoint URL within the static website hosting card.
  2. Copy this URL and paste it into your web browser's address bar, then press Enter.

Connecting Your Website to a Custom Domain: A Step by Step Guide

4.1 Purchasing a Domain and Setting Up Amazon Route 53

To apply a custom domain to your website, you first need to purchase a domain. Domain providers such as Amazon Route 53 can be used to acquire a domain. After purchasing a domain, create a hosted zone in Route 53.

4.2 Creating Records in the Hosted Zone

To link your AWS S3 bucket to a custom domain, it's necessary to create two records in the hosted zone. Follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the bucket website endpoint from the 'Static website hosting' card within the 'Properties' tab.
  2. Go to the hosted zone you created in Amazon Route 53 and click 'Create record.'
  3. Select 'Simple routing policy' and create the two records as follows:
    1. First record: Enter the domain name and choose the record type 'A – IPv4 address.' Set the 'Alias' to 'Yes' and paste in the copied website endpoint. Click 'Create' to finalize the record.
    2. Second record: If you want the homepage to redirect to a 'www' subdomain, enter 'www' in the name field. Choose the record type 'CNAME – Canonical name.' Paste the copied website endpoint as the value and finalize the record.

4.3 Verifying Domain Connection

Once the records are created, you can access the website via the custom domain within a few minutes. Confirm the functionality of the website by typing the domain name into the address bar and pressing Enter.

Boosting Website Performance with AWS CloudFront: A Detailed Guide

5.1 Introduction to AWS CloudFront

AWS CloudFront is a renowned Content Delivery Network (CDN) service that caches content at edge locations across the globe to enhance website speed and performance. Using this service, the transfer speed of your website improves and the caching feature facilitates faster traffic processing, thus boosting the overall performance of your website.

5.2 Steps to Create a CloudFront Distribution

To integrate CloudFront with your AWS S3 bucket, follow these steps:

  1. Search for and click on 'CloudFront' in the AWS Management Console.
  2. Click the 'Create Distribution' button and set up a web distribution.
  3. Select your static website bucket or enter the copied website hosting endpoint (URL) in the 'Origin Domain Name' field.
  4. Adjust policy and cache behavior settings as necessary. The default settings are usually sufficient.
  5. Finalize the distribution settings and click 'Create Distribution.'

5.3 Applying and Verifying Your CloudFront Distribution

Upon completion of the CloudFront distribution, your content will be cached in the global cache within a few minutes. This leads to improved website speed and performance worldwide.

Ensure the proper functioning of your website using the domain name generated by the CloudFront distribution. If desired, you can update the Route 53 record to set the CloudFront domain as the endpoint for your custom domain.

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