Friday, June 30, 2023

Master Dart in 7 Steps

Chapter 1: Mastering the Basics of Dart - Variables, Data Types, Operators, and Control Structures

This chapter provides an introduction to the basic components of the Dart programming language, including variables, data types, operators, and control structures.

1.1 Understanding Variables and Data Types

In Dart, variables can be declared using the var keyword for data type inference, or the data type can be explicitly declared. Dart's basic data types include int, double, String, and bool. Explicit data type declaration enhances code readability.

void main() {
 var a = 10; // inferred as int
 double b = 3.14;
 String c = 'Hello Dart!';
 bool d = true;

1.2 Utilizing String Templates

Dart offers the feature of string templates for embedding variables within strings. Using ${variable} enables easy combination of strings and variables.

void main() {
 int age = 20;
 String msg = 'I am ${age} years old.';

1.3 Employing Operators

Dart offers a variety of operators, including arithmetic (+, -, *, /), comparison (>, <, ==, !=), and logical (&&, ||), to build your code. Increment operators (++, --) and assignment operators (+=, -=, etc.) are also available for more concise code.

void main() {
 int a = 10;
 int b = 20;
 print(a + b);
 print(a - b);
 print(a * b);
 print(a / b);
 print(a > b);
 print(a < b);
 print(a == b);
 print(a != b);
 print(a > 0 || b > 0);

1.4 Implementing Conditional Statements and Loops

In Dart, conditional statements (if, else if, else) can be used to control the flow of your program. Let's write a code that distinguishes between odd and even numbers using integers. For and while loops can also be utilized for repeated operations.

void main() {
 int number = 7;
 if (number % 2 == 0) {
 } else {
 for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
 int count = 1;
 while (count <= 5) {

1.5 Implementing the Switch Statement

In Dart, the switch statement can be used to perform various branching operations based on the state of a variable. However, in a switch statement, values are compared using the '==' operator, so it is recommended to use a conditional statement when comparing with the inequality operator (!=).

void main() {
 int n = 2;
 switch (n) {
 case 1:
 case 2:
 case 3:

In this chapter, we have explored the basic syntax elements of Dart. In the next chapter, we will delve into more advanced features of Dart such as classes, inheritance, and mixins for object-oriented programming.

Chapter 2: Dart and Object-Oriented Programming - Optimization Methods Using Classes, Inheritance, Mixins, and Abstraction

This chapter delves into the object-oriented programming features of Dart, including classes, inheritance, mixins, and abstraction. These features allow for code optimization and improved maintainability.

2.1 Understanding Classes

In Dart, the class keyword is used to declare a class. Classes group variables and functions together, enhancing the readability and maintainability of your code.

class Person {
 String name;
 int age;
 void introduce() {
 print("Hello, my name is $name and I am $age years old.");
void main() {
 var person = Person(); = "John Doe";
 person.age = 25;

2.2 Utilizing Constructors

Constructors in Dart are used to initialize objects. There are default constructors and named constructors.

Default constructor example:

class Person {
 String name;
 int age;
 Person(, this.age);
 void introduce() {
 print("Hello, my name is $name and I am $age years old.");
void main() {
 var person = Person("Jane Doe", 27);

Named constructor example:

class Person {
 String name;
 int age;
 Person(, this.age);
 Person.guest() {
 name = "Guest";
 age = 18;
 void introduce() {
 print("Hello, my name is $name and I am $age years old.");
void main() {
 var guest = Person.guest();

2.3 Object-Oriented Programming with Inheritance

Inheritance allows classes to inherit features from other classes.


class Animal {
 void sound() {
 print("An animal makes a sound.");
class Dog extends Animal {
 void sound() {
void main() {
 var dog = Dog();
 dog.sound(); // Output: Woof!

2.4 Implementing Mixins

Mixins are a way of reusing a class's code in multiple class hierarchies.

mixin Flyer {
 void fly() {
 print("I am flying.");
mixin Swimmer {
 void swim() {
 print("I am swimming.");
class Creature {
 void breathe() {
 print("I am breathing.");
class Dolphin extends Creature with Swimmer {} 
void main() {
 var dolphin = Dolphin();

2.5 Optimizing Object-Oriented Programming with Abstraction and Interfaces

Abstraction and interfaces are powerful tools for structuring and organizing your Dart code.


abstract class Shape {
 double area();
class Rectangle implements Shape {
 double width;
 double height;
 Rectangle(this.width, this.height);
 double area() {
 return width * height;
void main() {
 var rectangle = Rectangle(3, 4);
 print("The area of the rectangle is ${rectangle.area()}."); // Output: The area of the rectangle is 12.

This chapter discussed the object-oriented programming concepts in Dart, including classes, inheritance, mixins, and abstraction. In the next chapter, we will delve into Dart's features for asynchronous programming, such as Future, async-await, and Stream.

Chapter 3: Asynchronous Programming in Dart - Future, async-await, and Stream

This chapter provides a thorough understanding of asynchronous programming in Dart, with a focus on Future, async-await, and Stream. These features help to manage time-consuming tasks without blocking the execution of other tasks.

3.1 Asynchronous Processing with Future

In Dart, Future is used for asynchronous processing. Future allows for processing other tasks without having to wait for a task to complete and return a result.


Future<int> calculate() {
 return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), () => 5 + 5);
void main() {
 calculate().then((result) {
 print("Result: $result");
 }).catchError((error) {
 print("Error: $error");


Result: 10

3.2 Asynchronous Processing with async-await

The async-await syntax in Dart can be used to write more concise and readable asynchronous code. The async keyword makes a function asynchronous, and the await keyword is used to wait for the result of a Future object.


Future<int> calculate() {
 return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), () => 5 + 5);
Future<void> main() async {
 try {
 int result = await calculate();
 print("Result: $result");
 } catch (error) {
 print("Error: $error");


Result: 10

3.3 Asynchronous Processing with Stream

Stream in Dart is used to process values that are continuously generated over time. Stream allows for processing data as it is generated, and it enables the addition of event listeners to perform tasks whenever data is generated.


Stream<int> numberGenerator() async* {
 for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
 await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
 yield i;
void main() {
 numberGenerator().listen((number) {
 print("Number: $number");
 }, onDone: () {


Number: 1
Number: 2
Number: 3
Number: 4
Number: 5

This chapter discussed the features of Future, async-await, and Stream for asynchronous programming in Dart. In the next chapter, we will explore the use of collections in Dart.

Chapter 4: Dart Collections Guide - Exploring List, Map, Set, and Queue

This chapter delves into Dart's main collection data structures - List, Map, Set, and Queue. Understanding these collections and their main methods significantly enhances code efficiency and optimization.

4.1 Understanding List

In Dart, List is a common collection type that allows storing and accessing a set of elements in an ordered manner, similar to a dynamic array. Elements can be accessed through indices.


void main() {
 List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
 print(numbers[0]); // Output: 1
 print(numbers); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

4.2 Understanding Map

Map in Dart is a collection that stores elements as pairs of keys and values. This enables swift retrieval of values using keys.


void main() {
 Map<String, int> ages = {
 'Alice': 30,
 'Bob': 32,
 'Charlie': 28,
 print(ages['Alice']); // Output: 30
 ages['David'] = 25;
 print(ages); // Output: {Alice: 30, Bob: 32, Charlie: 28, David: 25}

4.3 Understanding Set

Set in Dart is a unique collection that stores unique elements without any particular order. It is an effective data structure for eliminating duplicate data.


void main() {
 Set<String> colors = {'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue'};
 print(colors); // Output: {red, green, blue, yellow}

4.4 Understanding Queue

Queue in Dart is a specific collection that allows for adding and removing elements in a particular order, typically using a first-in-first-out (FIFO) method.


import 'dart:collection';
void main() {
 Queue<String> tasks = Queue<String>.from(['task1', 'task2', 'task3']);
 print(tasks.removeFirst()); // Output: task1
 print(tasks); // Output: {task2, task3, task4}

This chapter provided an in-depth understanding of Dart's main collection data structures - List, Map, Set, and Queue, and their usage methods. By practicing, you can learn the advantages and disadvantages of each data structure and optimize your code for various situations.

Chapter 5: Dart Error Handling Techniques - A Deeper Look at try-catch, throw, and Custom Exceptions

This chapter delves into error handling techniques in Dart, such as try-catch, throw, and custom exceptions. By applying these techniques, you can handle exceptions accurately, thus enhancing the stability of your program.

5.1 Exception Handling with try-catch

In Dart, exceptions that can occur within a code are handled using try-catch blocks. If an exception is thrown within the try block, it is caught and handled in the catch block.


void main() {
 try {
 int result = 10 ~/ 0; // Division by zero error
 } catch (e) {
 print("Exception occurred: $e");
 } finally {
 print("try-catch finished");


Exception occurred: IntegerDivisionByZeroException
try-catch finished

5.2 Creating Custom Exceptions with throw

In Dart, the throw keyword is used to throw a custom exception. This helps to handle unexpected situations within your program.


void checkAge(int age) {
 if (age < 18) {
 throw FormatException("Minors are not allowed to access.");
 } else {
void main() {
 try {
 } catch (e) {
 print("Exception occurred: $e");


Exception occurred: FormatException: Minors are not allowed to access.

5.3 Building Custom Exception Classes

Specific situations can be handled by creating custom exception classes. This allows for the writing of code to handle a variety of exception situations.


class InvalidNumberException implements Exception {
 String message;
void checkNumber(int number) {
 if (number < 1 || number > 10) {
 throw InvalidNumberException("$number is not between 1 and 10.");
 } else {
 print("Valid number.");
void main() {
 try {
 } catch (e) {
 print("Exception occurred: ${e}");


Exception occurred: InvalidNumberException: 15 is not between 1 and 10.

This chapter provided an in-depth understanding of Dart's error handling techniques, such as try-catch, throw, and custom exceptions. By practicing and applying these techniques, you can enhance your program's exception handling ability and improve its stability.

Chapter 6: Mastering Test Writing and Execution in Dart

This chapter focuses on the process of writing and running tests in Dart. Developing a habit of writing tests helps improve the accuracy and reliability of your code, thereby enhancing the overall stability of your program.

6.1 The Significance of Writing Tests

Writing test code is a crucial aspect of program development. It offers several benefits:

  • It allows for the verification of the program's functionality.
  • It aids in understanding the logical flow of the program and in bug fixing.
  • It enables the check for issues in other parts when modifying the program, using the test code.

6.2 Process of Writing and Executing Test Code

Dart provides the default test package which supports a variety of testing features. You should create a separate file for test code, distinct from the library that contains the function implementation code.


Create a file named math_utils.dart first.

// File name: math_utils.dart
int add(int a, int b) => a + b;
int subtract(int a, int b) => a - b;

Next, write the math_utils_test.dart test code.

// File name: math_utils_test.dart
import 'package:test/test.dart'; // Import the `test` package.
import 'math_utils.dart'; // Import the function to be tested.
void main() {
 test('Addition test', () {
 int a = 2;
 int b = 3;
 int expectedResult = 5;
 int result = add(a, b);
 expect(result, expectedResult); // Check if the expected result and the actual result are the same.
 test('Subtraction test', () {
 int a = 5;
 int b = 2;
 int expectedResult = 3;
 int result = subtract(a, b);
 expect(result, expectedResult); // Check if the expected result and the actual result are the same.

After writing the test code, you can run the test by executing the dart test command in the terminal. If the test is successful, the test results along with the count of successful and failed tests will be displayed.

6.3 Grouping and Data-Driven Testing

You can group complex test cases or run tests with different input values.


Add the following code to the math_utils_test.dart file.

group('Complex test case grouping', () {
 test('Addition test', () {
 expect(add(1, 2), 3);
 expect(add(-1, 2), 1);
 expect(add(0, 0), 0);
 test('Subtraction test', () {
 expect(subtract(3, 1), 2);
 expect(subtract(-3, 3), -6);
 expect(subtract(0, 0), 0);
test('Data-driven testing', () {
 var testData = [ {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'result': 5}, {'a': -10, 'b': 5, 'result': -5}, ];
 testData.forEach((data) {
 expect(add(data['a'], data['b']), data['result']);

This chapter provided extensive insights into how to write and run test code using Dart. Writing test code is a fundamental practice to enhance the stability of your program and provide better usability to users.

Chapter 7: A Comprehensive Guide to Dart Packages and External Libraries

This chapter introduces the concept of Dart packages and external libraries, and provides a detailed guide on how to manage them using the Pub Package Manager.

7.1 Understanding the Pub Package Manager

Pub serves as the package manager for Dart, handling the versions and dependencies of libraries, plugins, and application code. It also enables Dart developers to utilize a wide array of external libraries.

7.2 Package Installation and Usage

Follow the steps below to install and use packages:

  1. Add the package and its version information to the dependencies section of the project's pubspec.yaml file to install a package.


 http: ^0.13.3
  1. After modifying the pubspec.yaml file, execute the pub get command in the terminal to download the package. The downloaded packages, along with their versions and dependency information, are recorded in the pubspec.lock file.
  2. Use the import statement to include the package in the code file where it is to be used.


import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
void main() async {
 var url = "";
 var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
 if (response.statusCode == 200) {
 print("Data: ${response.body}");
 } else {
 print("Request failed with status: ${response.statusCode}.");

7.3 Navigating and Selecting Packages on

You can find packages that meet your needs on the official website, When choosing a library, consider the following factors:

  • The time of the package's most recent update
  • The user rating or score of the package
  • The comprehensiveness of the package's documentation
  • The package's popularity, as indicated by the number of users or Github stars

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